ETA Powermatic 80 service

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Membru din: 02 Ian 2018, 19:36

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de dacomaniac »

mihaib78 scrie:Si eu am un Hamilton Khaki king cu 25 rubine si de circa 1 an si 3 luni functioneaza fara probleme, incadrandu-se in abaterea de 1-2 sec/zi semnalata si de alti colegi.
Hamilton si Mido clar sunt peste Certina ca si calitate a finisajelor lucru evidentiat si de preturi. Eu as incadra Certina ca si finisaje la nivelul Atlanticului si a unor modele Doxa, exceptand Doxa premium
Nu sunt întru totul de acord.detin certina ds podium (2824) si ds action (2824 ) precum si hamilton khaki aviation si jazzmaster slim (2892).
Intotdeauna m-am întrebat care dintre ele este superior.zile întregi am comparat ds podium cu khaki aviation.din toate punctele de vedere.
Decizia finală de podium este peste khaki . Stiu
ca aici decizia este influențată de propriile gusturi dar am incercat sa fiu extrem de neutru
Mesaje: 63
Membru din: 20 Sep 2021, 09:15

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de sorinus »

Am achizitionat de vreo 2 saptamani un Hamilton Auto cu H10. E primul meu automatic, precizia e extraordinara, aprox. +1sec/zi daca e purtat, iar daca il odihnesc cu coronita in sus -1sec/zi.

Dar am redeschis topicul pentru altceva. As vrea sa stiu cum se comporta mecanismele asemanatoare ale colegilor dupa mai multi ani? Discutia precedenta era din 2018, sper ca anumite aspecte legate de utlizare indelungata si mententanta pe termen lung s-au mai clarificat?
Mesaje: 928
Membru din: 03 Iul 2012, 10:03

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de marian_sro »

Am avut un Mido chronometer cu powermatic 80. Mergea cu plus 1.5 secunde pe zi purtat non-stop
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Membru din: 06 Ian 2009, 17:47
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de ate14 »

Am Hamilton Pan-Europ cu H30, l-am cumparat acum 5 ani si jumatate.
L-am purtat si il port foarte des, fiind unul dintre ceasurile mele preferate.
De cand l-am cumparat merge in jur de +2sec/zi, constant de atatia ani. Spre sfarsitul celor 80 de ore de pr, am vazut ca se duce undeva spre un +4, lucru absolut firesc.
Aleg oricand, fara rezerve, aceste mecanisme.
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Mesaje: 63
Membru din: 20 Sep 2021, 09:15

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de sorinus »

Am Hamilton Pan-Europ cu H30, l-am cumparat acum 5 ani si jumatate.
De cand l-am cumparat merge in jur de +2sec/zi, constant de atatia ani.
Exact de la cineva care are un ceas cu noul mecanism de mai multi ani vroiam sa aud. Si raspunsul tau suna bine pentru mine :).
Intrebare: L-ai servisat vreodata pan acum?
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Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de Claudiu »

acum se serviseaza si acestea. Nu le recomand inca in detrimentul clasicelor,dar se mai serviseaza si powermaticurile.
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Mesaje: 1720
Membru din: 06 Ian 2009, 17:47
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de ate14 »

sorinus scrie:
Am Hamilton Pan-Europ cu H30, l-am cumparat acum 5 ani si jumatate.
De cand l-am cumparat merge in jur de +2sec/zi, constant de atatia ani.
Exact de la cineva care are un ceas cu noul mecanism de mai multi ani vroiam sa aud. Si raspunsul tau suna bine pentru mine :).
Intrebare: L-ai servisat vreodata pan acum?

Nu i-am facut service si nici nu am de gand prea curand.
Cat o sa mearga la fel de constant o sa il las in pace.
Time is on my side!
Born an original, don`t die a copy!
Mesaje: 3144
Membru din: 20 Aug 2012, 20:57
Localitate: Dublin

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de valentin1234 »

Pot sa confirm si eu ce spune Ate!

Am purtat cam 6 luni(fiecare) cele doua variante Eta PR80 - 23 si 25 de de rubine.
Ambele au functionat impecabil...intre 6-7 si 10-11 secunde pe saptamana :idea:

Hamiltonul cu 25 de rubine a ajuns la un prieten care-l poarta ani....functioneaza
ca la inceput si nici vorba de revizie....inca......

Probabil/sigur ca si scaderea frecventei de functionare joaca un rol in prelungirea intervalelor
dintre revizii.....

Ca si eu as recomanda modelele clasice 2824/2892 daca e de ales...dar daca nu,
cred ca Powermatic e o alegere foarte buna. De fapt.....noul 2892 cu 60 de ore PR
(tocmai port unul) mi se pare (subiectiv) mai bun decat tac'su.....

Spor la cumparaturi :)
"If you wear what you love, you've made a good choice!"
"Cand am plecat, v-am lasat saraci si prosti! Cand m-am intors v-am gasit si mai saraci si mai prosti!"
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Mesaje: 1720
Membru din: 06 Ian 2009, 17:47
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de ate14 »

Dar de ce recomandam atunci vechiul in detrimentul noului?
E mai bine sa ai 38 de ore pr sau 80 de ore?
Frica asta de nou, desi in natura umana, e greu de inteles pentru mine, mai ales in fata avantajelor evidente.
Am mai spus-o, sunt milioane de aceste mecanisme in piata, fara absolut nicio problema generalizata.
Asa de prosti sa fie Swatch Group de folosesc exclusiv noile variante?
Time is on my side!
Born an original, don`t die a copy!
Mesaje: 63
Membru din: 20 Sep 2021, 09:15

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de sorinus »

ate14 scrie:Frica asta de nou, desi in natura umana, e greu de inteles pentru mine, mai ales in fata avantajelor evidente.
Sunt incepator in ale ceasurilor, dar cred ca inteleg abordarea. Nu cred ca e frica de nou in cazul ceasurilor, daca unul din scopurile principale ale achizitiei e achizitia pe termen lung (10/20+ ani?). Si nimic nu poate "garanta" robustetea unui mecanism pe termen lung decat testul timpului.
Mesaje: 3144
Membru din: 20 Aug 2012, 20:57
Localitate: Dublin

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de valentin1234 »

ate14 scrie:Dar de ce recomandam atunci vechiul in detrimentul noului?
E mai bine sa ai 38 de ore pr sau 80 de ore?
Frica asta de nou, desi in natura umana, e greu de inteles pentru mine, mai ales in fata avantajelor evidente.
Am mai spus-o, sunt milioane de aceste mecanisme in piata, fara absolut nicio problema generalizata.
Asa de prosti sa fie Swatch Group de folosesc exclusiv noile variante?
Ate, nu pot vorbi pentru restul colegilor, dar recomandarea mea se bazeaza exclusiv pe doua motive:

Primul a fost deja invocat de in valoare absoluta tine, ai teama de nou...
Al doilea e legat de sevisarea si eventual repararea mai usoara a mecanismelor avand multe...
foarte multe....asta conteaza (pentru mine).....

Repet, am noul 2892 PR 60 si-mi place mult va ramane la mine....samd....
"If you wear what you love, you've made a good choice!"
"Cand am plecat, v-am lasat saraci si prosti! Cand m-am intors v-am gasit si mai saraci si mai prosti!"
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Mesaje: 1720
Membru din: 06 Ian 2009, 17:47
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de ate14 »

Inteleg, Vali, dar totusi, cat de greu sa fie de servisat, pe bune?! Nu e chiar asa un mecanism complicat :)
In fine, fiacare face cum crede :wink:
Time is on my side!
Born an original, don`t die a copy!
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Membru din: 02 Ian 2008, 17:51

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de catalin.v »

O argumentare inteleapta, in opinia mea:
Well I suppose this is as good of post as any to throw my first .02 into.

I looked and looked and looked at Khaki Field Mechanical's. I wanted one for multiple reasons. For one, I really gravitate towards 1940's style field watches and with Hamilton releasing a homage to their own original timepiece, well it makes it easy to decide which one to get. Which leads me into another reason why I chose the KFM Hammy. I have been wearing $100-$200 various quartz and other non-swiss Autos over the years for a daily work horse watch that I don't mind scratching up and banging into things. The KFM to me was going to be an upgrade to my everyday wear workhorse watch.

Which brings me into the H-50 vs 2801 decision.

I don't like how Hamilton just abruptly moved to the H-50 while getting rid of the 2801 movement. It seems they solved a problem no one was complaining about. An 80 hour power reserve on a hand winder? And in order to achieve it they lower the beat rate and make it not as easily to regulate (albeit reports show it coming in quite accurate out of the box). The reason I say its a non-existent problem is that very very few people who wear a hand wind watch wear it to last for 80 hours before needing a wind. They wear it because they enjoy the interaction of a hand wind watch. Every morning they throw on their clothes, put their wallet in their pocket, wind the watch and put it on. Hamilton seems to have given what no one was asking for and sort of pushed people who are mechanical purists away. Were they hoping to get a new generation of watch wearers with this? I say possibly. But again, if someone was worried about not having to wind their watch as much then they would wear an auto or even a quartz. In 2019, someone who is buying a hand winding watch wants to hand wind it. If this "amazing" 80 hour reserve came out in 1946 then I am sure people would jump for joy thinking its amazing. But in 2019 when we have watches that run off the suns' energy, and virtually never need service, the ones who are still buying a hand wind watch want to hand wind it.

And to solve this problem that no one considered a problem. They lowered the beat rate and made the hand more sluggish. Again, if this was released in the 1940's, no one would care if the hand was slightly more sluggish. They are just happy they can go a couple more days without winding it. In 2019, when watches are purely aesthetic, completely unnecessary (even more so hand wind ones), or if you need one for work and are not a watch person then there is literally hundreds of options available for less than 25 bucks that never need servicing. Even digital versions for 40 bucks that are more accurate than a $100k mechanical watch. Therefore, the people that want these types of watches want to wear them because they choose to wear a mechanical timepiece, not because they have to wear a mechanical time piece, so this is why I feel they solved a problem that didn't exist. I mean we are talking 42 hours reserve vs 80 hour reserve. 42 hours easily gets you through a full day and then some, IMO thats all you NEED and/or want in a hand winding piece.

That is why I settled on the ETA 2801 version and ended up snagging one just yesterday from the classifieds here. The higher beat rate, thus smoother second hand and tried and true technology of the ETA 2801 is what did it for me. I am not worried about the serviceability of either, just purely the movement itself. Using an analogy, I thought of it as I basically chose the work horse V8 pickup truck instead of the fancier unproven new technology. Sure that V8 truck might get worse gas mileage and pollute the air, but it'll never let you down. And IMO that is what the beauty of a hand winding mechanical watch is all about. Its a homage to a time long gone, a time when none of us were even alive to remember. And in order to have that experience, you want the best experience possible and I don't think that experience is really added too much with an 80 hour reserve while sacrificing sweep smoothness.
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Autorul D_Man argumenteaza preferinta pentru vechiul calibru eta fix cum vad si eu problema. De asemenea cum vede el intosul ceasului zilnic, tabietul si placerea pe care am citit-o si la useri de pe acest forum. Si de care nu vad sensul sa fiu vaduvit.
" Pai nu ti-am spus ca n-am? Ce sa-ti fac eu daca n-am? De unde sa dau? N-am!"
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Mesaje: 3271
Membru din: 21 Sep 2009, 19:28

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de Clipper »

catalin.v, ne poti indica, te rog, mai clar, unde ai identificat urmele de intelepciune ale celui caruia i-ai citat ideile?
Mesaje: 3144
Membru din: 20 Aug 2012, 20:57
Localitate: Dublin

Re: ETA Powermatic 80 service

Mesaj de valentin1234 »

Autorul D_Man argumenteaza preferinta pentru vechiul calibru eta fix cum vad si eu problema. De asemenea cum vede el intosul ceasului zilnic, tabietul si placerea pe care am citit-o si la useri de pe acest forum. Si de care nu vad sensul sa fiu vaduvit.
Poi cine te impiedica sa-l intorci in fiecare zi si pe cel cu 80 de ore PR, vaduvitu....le? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lasind gluma la o parte....sunt intru totul de acord......trebuia lasat cu 2801/4......pentru a fi
cat mai aproape de original :cry: In plus.....cine-si aminteste sa intoarca ceasul o data la 3 zile? :roll:

Asa luam quartz si terminam cu grijile.....
"If you wear what you love, you've made a good choice!"
"Cand am plecat, v-am lasat saraci si prosti! Cand m-am intors v-am gasit si mai saraci si mai prosti!"
(C. Brancusi)
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